Boats to Rent Lerici
Lerici Boat Rent rents boats that can be driven without a license.
Selection of boats to rent.
Considering the strict restrictions implemented by the Cinque Terre Park, the miles to travel, the sea conditions not always favorable and the intense traffic of boats, YOU CANNOT SAIL INSIDE THE CINQUE TERRE PARK !
I incur high fines, complaints and problems for my business.
The area in which to navigate is very large, more comfortable and sheltered, especially in the central hours of the day when the wind /wave rises and the traffic of boats intensifies.
The cost of the "parking" of each boat during the summer season depends on the size of the boat and the place where it is located. "Parking
2a boat can cost thousands of euros a year in the most famous places.
The cost of the "parking" of each boat during the autumn / winter period in order to protect the boat in the winter months. Costs vary depending on whether you choose an outdoor (with protective sheeting) or indoor location.
There are various activities to be carried out periodically to take care of each boat. From the overhaul of the engine, the washing of the hull, antifouling… The costs increase significantly if the boat is handed over to specialized people.
Every boat needs insurance in order to protect itself from damage to the boat or injury to third parties. Costs vary according to the type of insurance.